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August 10, 2010 / wilsonwalkers

hot weather

Hey all- Long time no post. This summer has been a fun and exciting one for everyone over here. As well as a hot hot hot one in Atlanta.

Just some things to keep in mind for pet owners with this hot season we’ve been having.
-the pavement is HOT of a dog’s feet. If it is too hot for you, the human, to walk barefoot on the pavement, it is too hot for the dog. Yes, their pads are tougher then our fleshy feet but they can still burn and they are still sensitive to the intense heat that is stored in asphalt and concrete. Either stay off the roads and on the grass with your pup or wait until the cooler evening to walk with him/her. Or consider getting dog booties for them. (I can never wrestle my dogs into booties, but I know some people who have success with that)

-I know you’ve heard this before, but car temps can SOAR in hot weather. Leaving the windows open is not enough, especially with the humidity. The air simply does not do enough to cool the car. Your dog/cat can get severe brain damage or even die with in minutes. “Running in to the store for something quick” is too long. Leave the car running (with AC on) or leave the dog at home. Did anyone catch the news segment where they baked cookies in the car to demonstrate how hot it gets inside?

-do not run with your dog in these high temps. They can’t cool themselves as easily as humans can and quickly become overheated. Sadly I know of a dog that died this summer while running with her owner. The owner thought it would be cool enough for his dog because they were in the woods. Please, please don’t make this tragic mistake with your dog! Wait until the cool nights or early mornings to run. Provide LOTS of water stops for your dog, and keep them cool by hosing their bodies off and/or allowing them to swim. Stop jogging IMMEDIATELY if you see any signs of overheating- rapid panting, high heart rate, throwing up, seizures, decreased level of consciousness (think slurred. delayed response, even coma)

-don’t leave your dog outside during the heat of the day, especially if they do not have adequate shelter from the heat and sun. A dog house is not adequate, a small space like that can quickly overheat. They need a shaded area, with access to moving air (a fan or breeze), plenty of water. Bring your outdoor dog inside so he/she can access the AC too.

If you think your dog is overheated, move them to a cool environment, don’t immerse in cold water as this may shock them, but cool them steadily by soaking their coat with cool water, use cold packs on neck, groin and armpits. Provide cool water and take them to the vet immediately.

choose a cooler activity to excercise your dog when the weather is hot.

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